en/tourism-related-translation Tourism-related Translation | Traducciones MagicWords

Tourism-related Translation

Nowadays, the economy of the tourism sector, including restaurant, hotel and travel industries, is global and it offers important development opportunities. For this reason, quality tourism-related translation allows you to offer your products and services to an international audience in a more professional way. Many studies have shown than the consumers are more willing to buy if they read the information in their own language.

Tourism-related texts have a direct and relaxed style with the purpose of catching the reader’s attention and persuading the consumer. They are written in an informal way, and they do not include technical terms, although this does not mean that their translation is less complex. Apart from having linguistic competences, the translator must know the cultural aspects of both languages, paying the role of a cultural and linguistic mediator.  

For these reasons, we have professional translators with studies in Geography, History, History of Art, Tourism and other related fields, that will take care of these translations. Many of these native translators live in the target countries of these texts. Therefore, they guarantee coherence with the cultural context of the receiving country.

Our tourism-related translations include:

  • Tourist guides
  • Hotel leaflets
  • Hotel advertising
  • Menus for restaurants
  • Hotel websites
  • Cruise websites
  • Travel agency websites
  • Travel leaflets and three-page pamphlets
  • Tourism articles
  • Catalogues for travel agencies
  • Complaint forms
  • Contact forms

If you are interested in our tourism translation service, send an e-mail to info@traduccionesmagicwords.com or call +34 629 276 338.

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